Honeygain is an app that pays you passive income for sharing your spare bandwidth.

It’s available for Android, MacOS, and Windows users in over 150 countries globally. Simply install the app, sign up to Honeygain, and start earning. It’s that simple!

honeygain-dashboard Honeygain | Earn Passive Income with this simple app! Passive Income
The Honeygain dashboard is one of the cutest I’ve had the pleasure of using.

Don’t worry — your data is safe.

Not only does Honeygain only work with trusted partners and companies with a solid reputation, but any connections to your devices are securely encrypted, and Honeygain does not have any access to your device storage.

copyright_protection-2 Honeygain | Earn Passive Income with this simple app! Passive Income
Counterfeit protection is one of many uses Honeygain’s partners have for your spare bandwidth.

You might be wondering what value your spare bandwidth has to Honeygain’s Trusted Partners.

Well, it turns out businesses can use your unused net traffic for counterfeit protection, to check ads are running correctly in the right locations, app testing, content delivery, and more. So much that they’re willing to pay for it!

The app won’t slow your device or your internet down. If it detects you’re using too much bandwidth it’ll simply turn the app off and wait for a better time to run.

Once you hit $20.00, you can cash out to PayPal.

The only criticism I have of this payout method is it isn’t instant. The first payout takes a bit longer than is typical to validate. Then, each withdrawal takes a few days for the Honeygain team to process. That said, I’ve had some apps take up to 3 weeks to process withdrawals, and Honeygain is far more efficient than that!

Signing up with my referral link will give you a free $5.00 towards your first payout!

I’ve been using Honeygain for almost a year on my phone, tablet, and PC.

In that time, I’ve earned almost $50 — approximately $4.00 per month. Earnings will depend heavily on your location, your device, and how much spare bandwidth you have available. Using Honeygain’s estimator on their home page, it’s clear Honeygain expects some users to vastly outperform my earnings!

I highly recommend Honeygain. It’s a great little passive income app, has a cute logo and dashboard, and it pays me! What’s not to like?

Sign up to Honeygain now and start earning some passive income. Use my referral link for a free $5.00 to get you started (and you’ll help my earnings too!).

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